Chat, Draft, Win.

Cutting-edge legal research powered by generative AI. Sort through millions of cases, statutes, and regulations in minutes. All for less than a cup of coffee.

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Iterate through millions of cases. Automatically write persuasive arguments.
Generate legal research memos for specific jurisdictions—whether state, federal, or tribal—straight from our database containing millions of cases.
No case hallucinations
Answers in IRAC format
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Upload Contracts, Leases, Licenses and quickly apply them to relevant law.
Query CaseCraft to discover competing interpretations, case comparisons. Then, take a deep dive into the substantive arguments of each and every case related to your context. Generate legal research memos for specific jurisdictions—whether state, federal, or tribal—straight from our database containing millions of cases.
Specific jurisdiction analysis
Argument and sub-argument analysis
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Conduct automated due diligence.
Seamlessly identify parentheticals within cases, compare similar rules between cases, and extract legal meaning—all with our case specific assistant, ChatCraft.
Rule statements from cases
Automated Fact Patterns
Key holdings applied to the facts
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Accurate, Consistent, Impactful Legal Research
Unlike other companies, we base our answers on our own proprietary collection of rule statements, also known to lawyers as headnotes, thereby minimizing hallucinations and linking to real cases.
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Patent-Pending Legal Prediction
See our open-source paper, SCOTUS_AI, for the progenitor model.
Fortuna AI
CaseCraft is built for all sectors of law.
Understand state-by-state laws on contract disputes, including promissory estoppel, breach, and formation.
Review doctrine necessities, ranging from basic negligence, battery, and product liability, to defenses in causation, comparative negligence, and more.
Research municipal, state, and federal property cases, ranging from local implied habitability doctrines, to federal discrimination statutes.
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